Why do you cheat?

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Re: Why do you cheat?

Post by JayBe »

I cheat because I beat the game, but want to mess around

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Re: Why do you cheat?

Post by daninthemix »

Because to me "beating the game" is more fun when it involves subverting the developer's rules, rather than playing by them.

In effect, you are beating not just the game, but the developers as well.

Which is all the more fun when their "rules" are incoherent or just plain bullshit.

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Re: Why do you cheat?

Post by renegadespeedrun »

daninthemix wrote:
Mon Sep 20, 2021 8:14 am
Because to me "beating the game" is more fun when it involves subverting the developer's rules, rather than playing by them.

In effect, you are beating not just the game, but the developers as well.

Which is all the more fun when their "rules" are incoherent or just plain bullshit.
Couldn't agree more

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Re: Why do you cheat?

Post by The Black X »

Most of the times for me cheating means expanding options to make perfect builds (like unlocking hidden skills/abilities or stats limits etc).

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Re: Why do you cheat?

Post by golfings »

I cheat on games all the time because i used to play a game called brave fencher maushi for ps1 when i never used to know anything about cheat codes back then

and when i was on the final chapter of that game i died and only had 15 hp left with no healing items or anything

and i also cheat because i have high autism and OCD and high anixous problems as well

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Re: Why do you cheat?

Post by BlackDragon2121 »

After 20+ Years of playing video games, I have hit a rut. I constantly get bored and look for new things todo. Breaking the game from within is fun, like making a sword that does -217.....damage in skyrim, or discovering a cool duping glitch, or even an infinite ammo bug. These are what excite me.
I cheat because, why not break a game from the code rather than within the game? It is exhilarating to see all the numbers, functions and processes that make the galactic price of space trash more valuable than any other commodity in the game. Its Hilarious to see starter level enemies try and murder me with endgame gear. Sometimes the game isnt hard enough, sometimes I just want to fuck with my friends. Maybe my kid gets frustrated when theres a pretty flower she cant get because it costs and ungodly amount of fucking coins?
There are innumerable reasons as to why one would cheat, but maybe the best is being able to learn a skill while doing it. Thats why CheatEngine is great, and this community greater. That is why I cheat, to bring joy to those who suck, and to make new challenges for those that rock. To break something to hell and back, or maybe just fix something that seems INSANE. :)

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Re: Why do you cheat?

Post by SunBeam »

I can say I'm at an age where wasting time playing a game legit, after a life-time of playing games and already having expectations set, isn't feasible anymore. I play games to enjoy their story. When the story is crap, that's my cue. I usually end-up scouring the binary for developer stuff or figuring out how some functions work, craft up a quick table and leave the game unfinished. Life.

Why do I cheat? Short answer: so I don't get rusty :) Tell you what, you drop what you know how to do best for 1 month, see then how it feels like having to slowly remember everything: how you did this and that :P

Plus in the process I get to discover and learn quite a few more things. I guess my thirst for knowledge isn't quenched yet.

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Re: Why do you cheat?

Post by AceOfSpades »

I cheat merely to save time. Yep, nothing wrong with my skills tbh, just being honest, but, just bc I'm nice, does not mean, I don't want to play with no gear in the game, nor does that mean, I want to spend more time than I actually have to.

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Re: Why do you cheat?

Post by gonnagetcha69 »

I like the feeling of be able to alter the game to my liking after ive beaten it legitly except the survival games, i enjoy using cheats before hand to see what all i could do if i decided to play it legitly becuase building is my favorite thing in those kind of games and its nice not to have too worry about resources when i wanna build or go into a creative mode or something. But games like ranch simulator, DDS, Lawn Mowing sim, etc ill beat before i cheat idk its weird lol

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Re: Why do you cheat?

Post by headwhosmegs »

I mostly do basic scans myself for single player games to cut down on a grind if I'm short on time or if end game stuff like is stupidly long to do like Disgaea 4/5. If I'm already capable of doing what I need done but I get a bit bored, I'll help myself to a few things so I can experience other parts of the end game in a shorter time. I only recently started using SvT's achievement unlockers but only using them for absolutely terrible games I end up regretting starting in the first place (NONGUNZ, I Am Fish and some other really bad ones recently) otherwise I play just about every game legitimately with the exception of doing some basic scans if the game allows for it, for some gold or whatever.. I keep it super simple and non-game breaking or else I don't see the point.

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Re: Why do you cheat?

Post by Warda »

I usually play through one or twice legit before cheating anything. But I play mostly for the story aspect so I have no shame in cheating if it gets rid of the boring grind or unnecessarily difficulty spike.

I cheat because in most games it gives it that extra replay value. I've also liked the idea of pushing a game to it's limits in some way or just experimenting with different scenarios. And in some games, they genuinely add more fun to it - to pick an example I cheat with a bhop script in L4D2 (single player / local host btw) with 5000 sv_airaccelerate for infinite strafing, sure I can play without it, but damn this makes it a ton more fun.

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Re: Why do you cheat?

Post by S1N74X »

Find out what is possible.
Change what is possible.
Discover new worlds.
And because it's just fun.

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Re: Why do you cheat?

Post by nofrt »

She Will Punish Them

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Re: Why do you cheat?

Post by inquisitivegoblin »

After wrapping a game, (or being completely unable to progress for months or so) i'll pick apart a game and give my character absurd abilities that are just hilarious to watch.

it adds replayability and adds some appreciation to the guys who made the game, and shows how much redundancy they've built into it.

I'll still play the game legitimately if its multiplayer or online or such, but in singleplayer, its my game. my system. i will make my character grow banana hands that shoot rockets that shoot lasers at all available targets if i feel inclined lol.

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Re: Why do you cheat?

Post by chaosblade02 »

I started cheating aggressive in games when they started making every game a massive grind. They really started doing this hard back around 2006-2008. Now, pretty much every game has to have some type of grind sink, like it's an MMORPG, just another way for developers to pad hours onto a game, but with me it's always been about quality over quantity, and grinding is not a quality gaming experience, so I lose nothing by circumventing it.

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