Jump Force 2.01 Player offsets

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Jump Force 2.01 Player offsets

Post by bhfff »

Sharing this cuz why not

Code: Select all

aobscanmodule(Player,JUMP_FORCE-Win64-Shipping.exe,F3 0F 58 73 38 F6)

Code: Select all

4Bytes - rbx+20 - PlayerID - 					2=P1 / 13=P2
Float  - rbx+28 - HP - 
Float  - rbx+2C - HP Max - 
Float  - rbx+30 - Charge - 
Float  - rbx+34 - Charge Max - 
Float  - rbx+38 - Stamina - 
Float  - rbx+3C - Stamina max - 
Float  - rbx+40 - Awakening - 
Float  - rbx+44 - Awakening Max - 
Float  - rbx+5C - Tired value					If value is bigger than 10'000, hit limit is reached and can not be hitted anymore.
								At 7000 air combat should start
Float  - rbx+60 - Getting hit Float=1 -				The player that has a value different from 0, is getting hit
Float  - rbx+7C - Stamina percent - 
Float  - rbx+80 - Awakening percent - 					
4Bytes - rbx+88 - Succesful hits - 				How many succesful hits the player managed to do
Float  - rbx+8C - Damage dealt -
4Bytes - rbx+C0 - IsHitting					1 = The current player is hitting the other one
4Bytes - rbx+DC - IsInvulnerable				1 = Can't be attacked
4Bytes - rbx+D8 - IsCharging 					1 = Player is charging
4Bytes - rbx+D0 - CanUseGuard/CanDodge				This one is kinda tricky, I haven't fully figured out yet.
4Bytes - rbx+C4 - When awakening = active (half)             	1 = Awakening has been activated when it only reached the minimum threshold
4Bytes - rbx+C8 - When awakening = active (ultra)		1 = Awakening has been activated with maxed threshold
The rest is still a bit unknown

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