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[Request] Drug Dealer Simulator 2

Posted: Fri Apr 26, 2024 10:25 pm
by Richy Rich
Currently this is in a free steam demo version and it has a level cap of level 6 before the game automatically ends so would love to see someone make a script for this. I managed to take the XP and put it in the negative so you don't rank up or you can lock it at level 5 so you dont reach level 6 but if you do any more then 6 the game will end when you trigger an XP change. I did change the values in the screenshot above and it did save to my game no matter what I change it to so you can play forever on your save but ranking up isnt an option if you want to do this(atleast above 5).

XP Values: 0 - 7.1 is level 1 - 5
7.4 is level 6(This will trigger end game)
You can also do "-Inf' to never worry about rank and it will save but this is not fully tested so im unsure if it will prevent any kind of progress.

I don't know how to script so would love for someone to script this if that's possible. I only know basic pointer saves and am not sure if this table will work for you honestly but ill give you what I have so far just in case it does work for you.